Blue Ridge Parkway Lodging & Dining
Blue Ridge Parkway Lodging
There are only two lodges located on the Blue Ridge parkway that provide overnight accommodations from spring through the fall. For more information about other accommodations in nearby communities, off the Blue Ridge Parkway please view the info on Bed and Breakfasts, Cabin Rentals, Campgrounds, Resorts, and Hotels.
The Blue Ridge Parkway offers eight campgrounds that are open from May through October along the parkway.

Peaks of Otter Lodge
Peaks of Otter Lodge is located twenty miles north of Roanoke, VA at Milepost 86. The lodge has served Blue Ridge Parkway visitors for nearly 50 years. The lodge offers 63 rooms, and a full service restaurant and lounge. You can book reservations online or call 866-387-9905. Peaks of Otter Lodge is open from early April through early December and on weekends through the rest of the winter. The are also offers trails, fishing and seasonal interpretive programs at the park amphitheater.

Pisgah Inn
Pisgah Inn is open from early spring through the fall foliage season. Located south of Asheville, NC at Milepost 408.6, Pisgah Inn sits at an elevation of over 5,000 feet and is the highest elevation lodging available on the parkway.
Enjoy food and services, browse through the gift shop and country store, and rest and relax in one of the many overnight accommodations available. Phone (828)-235-8228 for reservations.